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Agai Kondi

Artificial Intelligence in Science

Updated: Apr 29

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables softwares or machines the ability to perform cognitive functions that are typically associated with the human mind, doing this while using algorithms, data, and computational power can lead to increased efficiency, new discoveries, with machine level accuracies. Some ways AI is being incorporated in science are: cancer research, antibiotic discovery, new drug development, and many other ways.

Antibiotic Discovery

Since the mid-to-early 1900s, antibiotics have been used on bacterial infections, this is a great way to fight off any unwanted bacteria but the problem arises when the bacteria you were trying to fight, starts fighting off your antibiotic, known as antibiotic resistance. Since bacteria has the ability to adapt, there is a push for new antibiotic discovery. Scientists used AI to discover a new antibiotic used to treat against a bacterial infection that developed resistance to other antibiotics. This was done by using AI to screen thousands of antibacterial molecules to find new structural classes.

Cancer research

Cancer remains the #2 cause of death worldwide, making this a crucial problem scientist have been trying to figure out. AI has rapidly accelerated activity in the cancer research spectrum. AI can help in creation of new medications and treatments, improve early detection of cancer, and ability to create treatment plans personalized to the patient. Researchers are able to use AI to analyze datasets and spot tiny trends using AI algorithms.

Drug Development

Traditional drug discovery and development are known to be time consuming, with preclinical stages taking up to six years and very expensive processes costing up to billions of dollars. AI is being used to speed up the drug development process while being able to cut down on costs. AI is being trained to analyze large datasets and identify key targets relevant to a disease. AI is able to reduce the need for lots of physical testing by predicting drug properties such as toxicity, potency and other characteristics. In June 2023 a company called Insilico Medicine began clinical trials of a drug that was discovered using the help of AI. Insilico Medicine was able to go from start to phase 1 in 30 months with a complete budget around $2.6 million. A huge improvement from the traditional time frame and cost.


With AI tools being more common in science, a lot of scientist anticipate AI will soon be common in the practice of research. Researchers are concerned and excited by the increasing use of AI in science. AI makes processing and acquiring data, answering difficult questions, computing formulas are all faster and positive impacts. However AI Isn't all perfect, concerns of being reliant on AI and losing the understanding of patterns, and making fraud easier are important aspects to keep in mind with the growing use of AI.

Agathokli Kondi


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